Page 103 - ARTE!Brasileiros #55
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has emerged during the phenomenon of the   The only Brazilian gallery that is part of this   an extension or continuous hope for the future.
           expansion of art fairs which, due to its essentially   international pool is A Gentil Carioca, from    wThe gallery A Gentil Carioca, in Rio de
           commercial profile, brought back a somewhat   Rio de Janeiro, directed by Márcio Botner,   Janeiro, harbor of astral fantasies and renewing
           fetishistic character of the artist and his work, in   one of its owners. Engaged in the Art Basel   experiences, shows Descompasso Atlântico, by
           addition to elevating the figure of the collector   Miami committee, he is a globetrotter on the   Arjan Martins, which takes place in two places
           as the main legitimator of the circuit - only what   circuit, connected to several projects around   and with different poetics. Inside the gallery, the
           sells should be considered.      the world and one of the most animated with   paintings maintain a narrative focus on both
             As a sort of antidote to this system, which   Galleries Curate. “The idea was born from the   the slavery heritage and the current situation
           had already shown decay for some years, these   virtual contacts of a group of 12 people and   of the black population. In the open air, right
           collectives sought new practices, often far from   it impressed me when we soon reached 21   on Ipanema beach, Arjan Martins creates a
           fairs and collectors’ homes. They are either in   participants”. Involved in so many projects,   colorful installation of geometric inspiration that
           institutions or universities, such as Forensic   he believes in horizontal collaboration between   converses with the Atlantic Ocean, an old route
           Architecture, based on the Goldsmiths of the   artists, gallery owners and critics, uniting people   for slave ships. Composed of five windsocks,
           University of London, which, incidentally, was   who think closely to the group’s goals. Each   objects commonly used in airports to control the
           nominated for the Turner in 2018, or they are   gallery proposed what they wanted to show   wind, the installation brings in each one of them
           just informal groups of artists, such as Cólera   and they started the exhibitions earlier this year.   a symbol of maritime warnings: man overboard,
           Alegria, in Brazil, who have been contributing  “What is happening is something special. While   dangerous cargo, etc. The gallery purposely
           to relevant political manifestations with the   we have established dealers, we have young   opened the exhibition on April 22, the day on
           creation of innovative visual material, far from   enthusiasts with less time in the market. The   which, in 1500, Portuguese settlers landed in
           the serious clichés of conventional militancy, in   platform began to be publicly thought of this   Brazil. The ideology of survival traversed by
           addition to having a strong presence in social   year and people are now getting to know the   Galleries Curate: rhe makes the declarations
           networks.                        project better.”                 of intent of this group an expanded space to
             Not by chance, in his recent book What   French Clément Delépine, young coordinator   see and register the new normal.
           Comes After Farce, American critic Hal Foster   of Galleries Curate: rhe and co-director of
           points out that many artists have been working   the Paris Internationale fair, also mediates   revieW | JosÉ damasCeno exhiBition [pages 28 to 31]
           on the key of “reconstruction”, that is, they are   part of the project’s lives. For him, since the
           looking for systems that serve as alternative   first negotiations, these conversations are   JOSÉ DAMASCENO AND
           possibilities to the collapsing world .  constituted as group therapy. “The project
             The case of Cólera Alegria is exemplary,   has in its title the enigmatic symbol rhe, a   MONA LISA’S SMILE
           because it is a grouping of militancy, where   measure of unity and impermanence, defined
           each one continues with their individual work,   by two Greek words: panta rei, which means   Exhibition at Estação Pinacoteca makes a
           but in the collective there is an energy that is   ‘everything moves”. Delépine draws an analogy   retrospective of the Brazilian artist’s work
           multiplied by singularities.     between the water element, fundamental in our   in more than 70 works that seduce and
             Thus, contrary to what is conventionally   lives, and their effort to create alternatives in   provoke comfort – to a certain extent
           stated that Documenta sets trends, the next   the global crisis. The work transcends hosting
           edition of the event will enshrine practices under   online exhibitions, a digital platform, as there is   By faBio Cypriano
           construction for more than two decades, which   also a concern with archiving materials related
           are repositioning the arts system.  to the works on display. When new content is   it gives a Certain relieF to enter José
                                            added, past and current projects are mixed.  Damasceno’s exhibition, Moto-continuo, at
                                              The exhibitions have multiple themes and   Estação Pinacoteca, in such an unfavorable
           marKet | galleries Curate [pages 24 to 27]  most talk about the environment. In the Tempest   context, when a Cpi unveils all the preposterous
                                            group show, at the Tanya Leighton Gallery in   acts of a government that contributed to the
           GALLERIES CURATE: A              Berlin, the artist Monster Chetwynd stands   nearly 500,000 deaths as a result of Covid- 19
                                                                             in the country.
                                            out for shaping the figure of a huge octopus
           NEW WAY OF CREATING              made of latex, painted and lasciviously placed   The diversity of procedures, from
           A MARKET                         on the floor. The installation is completed with   magnanimous installations to delicate designs,
                                            the woodcut enlarged in xerox and fixed to the
                                                                             the disparity between the materials used, from
                                            wall of a copy of the erotic series The Dream   the noble marble to the decaying and perishable
           In the troubled context caused by the   of the Fisherman’s Wife (Kinoe no komatsu),   cigarettes, and the absence of an explicit
           Covid-19 pandemic, a collaborative   by artist Katsushika Hokusai, executed in   theme, can point to an exhibition that deals at
           platform brings together more than 20   popular shunga printing in the 19th century.   its limit with art as an “experimental exercise of
           galleries and proposes exhibitions that   Monster Chetwynd’s life touches on the poetic,   freedom”, as defined by art critic Mário Pedrosa
           take place simultaneously in various   performance she identifies with. In a game of   (1900-1981). In times of pandemic freedom can
           corners of the world             identities, the Glasgow artist changes her name   be everything.
                                            from time to time, as did Hokusai, the artist she
                                                                               As the North American curator Lynn
                                            reveres and who throughout her life has had   Zelevansky points out in the exhibition’s catalog
           By leonor amarante               more than 30 names. The water here presents   to describe one of the artist’s works, but which
                                            itself as a metaphor, dream or mythical delirium   serves for the exhibition as a whole, Damasceno
           the impaCt CauseD bY the CoviD-19   of an unexperienced jouissance.  creates “a world of its own, inhabited by strange
                                              From a more programmatic perspective   creatures”.
           panDemiC has caused unimaginable changes.   of the ecological movement, Galleria Franco   Among the more than 70 pieces exhibited,
           The perplexity of the present, arising from   Noero, from Turin, shows Simon Starling’s film   made between 1989 and 2021, some of the works
           the protocols of confinement and temporary   Project for a crossing of the Rift Valley. The still,   that help in this feeling of disconnection from
           closings of galleries, museums, fairs and   composed of paradisiacal images, poetically   the context are those that, due to their size
           biennials, has shaken the art system since   registers a canoe, built with magnesium   and seriality, create strange landscapes, such
           the beginning of last year. In this context, the   extracted from the Dead Sea waters used in   as Trilha Sonora, with hundreds of hanging
           challenge of overcoming the crisis and finding   2016, in an attempt to cross it, departing from   hammers in nails create the representation of
           a way out of the unexpected collapse led to the   Israel to Jordan. The experience advances in   mountains, and Snooker, a pool table covered
           creation of the collaborative platform Galleries   several directions and reveals that in this stretch,   with woolen threads that come out of the lamps
           Curate: rhe. The idea came from a group of   located in the Rift Valley, the water is highly   arranged above it. The same principle is seen
           gallery owners linked to the committee of the   salty and that the place stands out for being the   in Paisagem crescendo, where hundreds of
           three Art Basel fairs - Miami, Hong Kong and   lowest on the planet - it is 427 meters below sea   cigarettes that look like dots on the wall create
           Basel - with the idea of  promoting simultaneous   level. He also warns that the region is heavily   images of trees.

           virtual exhibitions in galleries all over the world,   exploited for keeping special mineral wealth: a   It is a set of works that seduce because of
           in support of the community.     liter of water contains 45 grams of magnesium.  the tricks of their compositions and provoke
             The first exhibition has water as its theme and   There are works philosophically engaged   that Mona Lisa smile, for their ingenuity and
           was suggested by the gallery owner Chantal   in the symbolism of time and its duration.   originality. In his text, Zelevansky seeks to
           Crousel, from Paris, one of the first to embrace   The Jean Mot gallery, in Brussels, shows the   value this strategy by pointing out that there
           the idea. The group highlighted the undeniable   video Canção para Lupita, by Francis Alÿs,   is a “psychological dimension in Damasceno’s
           limitations that their spaces were experiencing   from 1998, an animation in 16mm. The water   work that borders on the surreal” and cites
           at that time and decided to change the scenario   moves in Alÿs’ poetic itinerary throughout the   the artist’s favorite authors such as William
           with a dynamic virtual dialogue between the   film. A woman pours water from one glass to   James, Edgar Allan Poe and Jorge Luis Borges
           individual programs of each gallery, whether   another repeatedly. The action of making and   as possible dialogues with his work.
           in Jakarta, Brussels, Singapore, New York, Rio   undoing is accompanied by a song whose phrase   In fact, the aforementioned works have surreal
           de Janeiro, Tokyo, or Paris .    Mañana, mañana és breve para mi can suggest   dimensions, as their unusual construction
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