Page 84 - ARTE!Brasileiros #52
P. 84
editorial [page 10]
Andrea Giunta, researcher and curator of the article about the meeting with curators and
AGAINST THE Mercosur Biennial 12, who had to dive into the artists at the Berlin Biennale that took place
DEVASTATION! adaptation of the event with the project curators, at our magazine’s seminar.
said at the Seminar: “Art has the ability to be
an archive, an archive of experiences that were raFael CarDoso is a writer and art historian,
Since March 2020, while we isolated ourselves created at different times. And with this file we PhD from the Courtauld Institute of Art. He is a
as a form of security in the face of an epidemic can ask the questions of the present.” member of the Graduate Program in Art History
unprecedented in our generation, we This edition is populated with articles at UerJ and works as an associate researcher
accompanied the closure of our daily meeting that show ideas and productions of artists with the Lateinamerika-Institut of the Freie
spaces: bakeries, bars, restaurants, cinemas, and curators who work in dialogue with their Universität Berlin. He is the author of several
theaters, museums, galleries, bookstores, surroundings; works that reflect an attitude of books about history of art and design, as well
hairdressers. Thus, each of us organized our immersion in his time; works that express the as four works of fiction.
activities seeking solutions to a completely need to abandon the self-centered subject, to
unexpected reality. think about the importance of learning with the international seminar | opening [pages 12 and 13]
At the same time, in the world and in Brazil other, and from the other. VI INTERNATIONAL
specifically, crimes of omission and attacks on ps: We were very happy to know, at the end
life were intensified: against rivers, mangroves, of this edition that arte!brasileiros had been VIRTUAL SEMINAR
forests, animals, women, blacks, immigrants, recognized by aBCa, with the Antônio Bento ARTE!BRASILEIROS: IN
cultural institutions, in short, attacks on Award 2019, as the best vehicle of diffusion in DEFENSE OF NATURE
everything that did not represent an immediate the media of art and culture. We will remain AND CULTURE - THE ART
socioeconomic retribution or did not generate committed to the quality and coherence of
some kind of immediate profit. Solutions for our work. OF THE POSSIBLE
health and science began to be questioned at the Read the full coverage of the event held by
expense of supposed fiscal and financial gains. Collaborators [page 08] arte!brasileiros and the Goethe-Institut on
We had the feeling that the floodgates of October 8th and 9th
a dam filled with backwardness and hatred number 52 October November 2020 neWsroom
were opened and, almost like in a sci-fi movie,
monsters of all kinds were in a stampede capable Cover: Rivane Neunschwander, detail of the work helD in DiFFerent Cities anD institutions,
of updating the atrocities that once formed part Tropics: Damned, Orgasmic and Devoted 7, 2020 international seminars and debates organized
of our colonial history. by arte!brasileiros are considered important
The cover of this edition, a detail of the work miguel groisman is a journalist graduated spaces for reflection, diffusion and diffusion of
Trópicos malditos, gozosos e devotos 7, 2020, from Faculdade Cásper Líbero and now he contemporary critical thinking, related not only
by the artist Rivane Neuenschwander, is almost studies Cinema at faap. As a researcher, he to the world of art, but to society as a whole.
a synthesis of what the unconscious and art has already explored the image representation of From “Collecting in Brazil in the 21st century”, in
can come to express, against fear and violence. people living with hiv / aids in photojournalism. 2012, to “Cultural Management: Contemporary
When we began discussions on the holding He is an arte!brasileiros reporter and writes, Challenges”, in 2019, a large number of thinkers
of our 6th International Seminar in May of this in this edition, a report on the South African from different countries and areas were able to
year, together with the directors of the Goethe- photographer Gideon Mendel. dialogue among themselves and with the public
Institut, our partners in the project, the urgency about a wide variety of themes.
of defending man and nature were urgent. We marCos grinspum Ferraz is a journalist. Continuing this journey, on October 8 and 9,
feel the need for art to be part of the reflection Graduated in Social Sciences from Usp, he 2020, arte!brasileiros held, in partnership with
on the notion of the world we want to inhabit. worked between 2009 and 2012 at the Folha the Goethe-Institut, the “vi Virtual International
In this sense we managed to enable a virtual de S.Paulo newspaper and between 2012 and Seminar arte!Brasileiros: In defense of nature
meeting, where the cast of guests - artists, 2017 at Editora Brasileiros. In arte!brasileiros and culture - the art of possible”. This time,
philosophers, scientists, environmental leaders since 2019, he writes in this edition about the not at the Ibirapuera Auditorium, Itaú Cultural,
and curators - who have been working in this artist Isael Maxakalí. mam-sp or CCBB Rio - places that have hosted
complex scenario for a long time, had the these events -, but on the web, on the YouTube
opportunity to talk about their activities in giulia garCia is a journalist graduated from platform.
their different countries and places of activity. Faculdade Cásper Líbero, an actress graduated The impossibility of the face-to-face meeting,
“When we break the flows of the Earth, we harm from Senac-sp, and a researcher in Art and resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic and the
it, because it is a whole, it has a consciousness Communication. She has already worked as need for social isolation, brought several new
of its own and we cannot cut it as a mosaic, as we a reporter for Trip and Tpm and is currently challenges and some difficulties, but it also
are doing. For hundreds of years our shamans part of arte!brasileiros team! In this edition she resulted in a great “collateral advantage” - so to
have been warning to take care of nature, we writes about Asian-Brazilian art in addition to speak -, a much higher audience seen in previous
are nature,” said young indigenous activist and stereotypes. events. There were about 5,000 accesses during
artist Naiara Tukano wisely. the two days of the event, with numbers that
So we made the meeting a place from where eDuarDo simões is a culture journalist. He continue to rise on the platforms, since the
we could feel less alone, as a method of defense. worked as a reporter for O Globo and Folha event is still available on our channel.
Word and art have been fundamental weapons de S.Paulo, and he was also an editor for The theme of the pandemic, which does not
for reflection, comfort and attack. artre!brasileiros. In this edition, he signs an appear disconnected from the destruction of