Page 85 - ARTE!Brasileiros #52
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nature and attacks on culture experienced up witnessing the first rain after months of Be sure to watch the full speech to see the
in the world - and especially in Brazil -, drought at Aldeia Krenak, on the banks of the short video shared by Donato, developed over
permeated the speeches of environmentalists, Rio Doce, in Minas Gerais, which was greeted by a decade, which points out how the Amazon is
philosophers, scientists, artists and curators the joy and singing of the indigenous leader and the heart of the planet.
who participated in the seminar. In the next former constituent deputy. As soon as the rain
pages, in five texts, the reader will have full started, he turned his computer over to share the transFormation
coverage of the presentations that brought scene with those attending the seminar. “The Naiara Tukano, on the other hand, began
together, on the 8th, the indigenous artist most beautiful art is this rain that falls from the her speech by telling about the cosmology
and militant Naiara Tukano, the indigenous sky now, on top of these hills, making the earth of her people, which came from the great
leader and environmentalist Ailton Krenak, the breathe, falling on dry land, making a lump rise transformation canoe, the Cobra-Canoa. It
scientist Antônio Donato Nobre, the curator from the ground,” he said excitedly. was in the womb of a Cobra-Canoa that the
Andrea Giunta (12th Mercosul Biennial), artists Nothing is more in tune with this moment first ancestors of the Tukano peoples set out
Bárbara Wagner and Benjamin de Burca and than the reasoning he developed about “this on an underwater journey through the Amazon,
philosopher Franco “Bifo” Berardi; and, on the scandal of affirming that there is nature and Negro and Uaupés rivers, in the northwest of
9th, curators Beatriz Lemos, Diane Lima and culture, separating something indivisible”. the Amazon, and thus arrived in the region
Thiago de Paula Souza (3rd edition of Frestas - where they currently live, in the Upper Rio
Triennial of Arts), artists Edgar Calel and Aline the paths oF the heart Negro. The canoe stopped along this route
Baiana and curators Agustín Pérez Rubio and This inclusive view had already been defended and, at each stop, these ancestors acquired
Lisette Lagnado (11th Berlin Biennial). by Antonio Donato Nobre in his opening speech: powers and knowledge that are still part of
A few days after the event, we received, with “Indigenous people are the true sages of nature, the cultural heritage of the ethnic groups of
great joy, the news that our publisher Patricia they have a direct connection with nature and the Tukano family.
Rousseaux and the Brazilian art seminars have preserved that connection, which global Naiara told how, thousands of years before
were winners of the aBCa Award - Brazilian society has lost. I want to come here to give a this trip, “we were fish people, until we became
Association of Art Critics - 2019, in the category message as a scientist, but from a scientist who animals that live in the forests, like otters,
“Antônio Bento Award - diffusion of visual arts in is discovering the ways of the heart ”. monkeys; then the breeder came and cut the
the media”. This recognition validates our work Something in common in these three opening animals’ tails and brought man to earth, this
and gives us the strength to continue. speeches was the need for affection and respect being the third time of humanity, when man
for the planet, which Nobre pointed out in a appeared”.
international seminar | day 1 [pages 14 to 17] parallel between the philosopher Socrates and The significance of this animal ancestry and
WE ARE NATURE the astronauts. “2500 years ago, Socrates would of this transformation process over time has an
have said that when the human being looks at the important reflection in Tukano thought: “We
On the first day of the seminar, limits outside world, he will recognize his greatness. must understand that other visible and invisible
between culture and nature are People who live in contact with nature are aware beings that live on Earth are our relatives, they
questioned based on indigenous wisdom,
by Ailton Krenak, Antonio Donato Nobre of what it means to be on Earth, ”he said. tell us how we should act without causing harm
and Naiara Tukano Then he reported how astronauts gain the or even receive evil. So, we never forget our
same perception after returning from space: place”, said Naiara.
By faBio Cypriano “When they see the Earth from outside, they are Hence, then, the perception of the importance
instantly transformed, they have the overview of caring for the planet in a global way, as she
raineD. anD the rain brought JoY to effect, which is the panorama effect suggested states: “When we disrupt Earth’s flows, we
Ailton Krenak in a moment that synthesized by Socrates.” harm it, because it is a whole, it has its own
the speeches of the first table of the vi Thus, astronauts and indigenous people conscience and we you cannot cut it out like a
arte!Brasileiros International Seminar, which do not suffer from distancing from the planet, mosaic, as we are doing. For hundreds of years
also included Naiara Tukano and Antonio Donato or a division that replicates in the separation our shamans have warned us to take care of
Nobre. between mind and body. For the scientist, nature, we are nature. ”
Naiara opened the event with a song by “there is a cognitive disaster in Western society, And she concludes on the importance of
her people Yepá Mahsã, from the top of Rio which occurred mainly in Europe, of the divorce reviewing attitudes in times of pandemic: “We
Negro, in the Amazon, and a brief and blunt between the so-called rational mind, where need to reconnect with our essence, and through
manifesto. “We, indigenous peoples, are the the intellect resides, and the broad, intuitive, art, spirituality, songs, that we connect again
living memory of thousands of years, our visions holistic, integrative cognition”. with the earth. Plant, reduce waste, seek a
and worldviews are our science, where we learn So, according to Nobre, it is necessary to simpler way of life, seek other forms of exchange
to communicate and live together with the land. stop thinking just with reason: “It is the heart based on other wisdoms. It is by reconnecting
That is why we defend life and diversity, ”he said that unites the whole body and it thinks too, with the earth that we can seek a path of healing.
in an excerpt from the initial message. because neuroscience has discovered that it The breath of life exists in each one of us”.
After the speeches of institutional opening by has neurological tissues. So, when we have
Patricia Rousseaux, for arte!brasileiros, and an open heart, we capture things. Without a DeaD nature
Julian Fuchs, by the Goethe-Institut, Krenak heart, the intellect is cold, it can do aberrant Shortly after what had been programmed, Ailton
would be the first to speak, but a connection things ”. In his speech, he cited the scientists Krenak entered the seminar problematizing one
problem postponed his testimony, luckily for who contributed to Nazism as an example, but of the genres of painting. “All the great masters
those who attended the seminar. there is no shortage of government cases in of painting in the West have left a trail of still
Thanks to the connection problem, we ended Brazil that confirm the theory. life behind them”, he said. And he continued: