Page 121 - ARTE!Brasileiros #57
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an initiative whose proposal is to keep alive the international ExHiBitions [paGEs 90 to 97] mannerist statue produced by Giambologna. This
relationship of young French artists with Brazil time produced in wax and steel, and with wicks
and young Brazilian artists with France. MEMORY AND lit, it melts in different places and loses its shape.
Jérémy, who has exhibited in France and Another experience worthy of being
the usa, is the current director of the Jeune RESTORATION accompanied was the opening of the second
Création Association, an artist organization OF CULTURE underground, at the Palais de Tokyo, consecrated
created in 1949. The Association, which he building of contemporary art in Paris, at the 16ème
chairs, has just gained a space at the Fondation In a moment of relative truce of the arrondissement on the side of the Eiffel Tower,
Fiminco, in Romainville, in the north-west of pandemic that has plagued us for almost and which gave way to the performance Natures
Paris, and also has a place for artist residence two years, Paris took the opportunity Mortes (Still Life), by the German Anne Imhof. A
in Marseille, southern France. It is considered to present some of its novelties with completely open space without partitions that
a fundamental initiative for artists who are not jewels of contemporaneity allowed to welcome a polyphonic work that merges
inserted in the market. “For 70 years Jeune space, music, installations and the participation
Création has been on the move, reinventing itself By patricia roussEaux of the bodies of about thirty invited artists.
and always getting involved in the generations Very strong, with movements and stagings that
that are going through it. It seeks to be the raw we are tireD of knowing that developed recalled the whole time the moment we live: of
and solid reflection of the world and its time”, countries cultivate their history, and that several loneliness, dread, suffering and in some moments
comments Jérémy. of these movements were at the expense of our of alienation, the performance of about four hours
Annually is held an important exhibition, own existence as underdeveloped countries, either brought together hundreds of people in safety,
now in its 71st edition in 2020/21, which exhibits because they took our works, our gold or our lands. masks and vaccine certificate to enter, but who
the works of 46 artists chosen by a jury formed Nevertheless, it is impossible not to be also moved a little absorbed through space, as
by young artists and a guest, in this case the impressed by the respect for memory and care waiting or seeking something that lacked everyone
art critic and curator Nathalie Desmet. The they wiel for what was built by their ancestors. and each in that time where uncertainty was the
work methodology, Jérémy comments, is The strong state serves among other things to, in high note of our lives.
extremely horizontal, since the direction and public-private partnerships, remodel, reform and
works are chosen by the group itself, which is maintain the architectural and cultural heritage artist Julio villani [paGEs 98 and 99]
composed mostly of artists at the beginning of of these countries.
their careers. “Mutual recognition is therefore That is why it has been fundamental to complain THE SENSITIVE FORM
very important. Much of the discussion is and create movements for the restitution of several
also based on ethical issues: visibility, parity, of the African and Latin American works held Established in Paris since the 1980s,
representativeness, inclusion. The annual by Germans, French and other Europeans. Last Julio Villani will debut his new site “D’ICI,
festival of Jeune Création is therefore not November, for example, 26 works of art from the DE LÀ” and opens solo exhibition
only an exhibition, but a kind of multi-voice former Kingdom of Dahomey, which were on at Chelsea in New York
convention; the reflection of an experience that display at the Museum du Quai Branly in Paris,
is as human as it is artistic, where collective were returned to Benin. Since 2020, at the initiative By patricia roussEaux
choices end up becoming the selection: an of French President Emmanuel Macron, a law is
extract of what seduces us, what marks us, in place that facilitates the return of works seized Julio villani left braZil a long time ago,
what seems to us promising or necessary to in the colonial period. always in search of images, forms, ideas that would
bring to light”, says Nathalie Desmet. Already the reopening of the Bourse de bring him food for his curiosity. She left Marília, in
On this side of the Atlantic, the engraver Commerce of Paris, on rue de Viarmes, with the the interior of São Paulo, to England, where she
Santídio Pereira is chosen by the Piza Prize to exhibition of the François Pinault collection, is studied at Watford School of Art; and settled in
travel to France in 2022 and carry out his research undoubtedly an example of memory care. The Paris, where he attended the École Nationale des
and residence. He was born in 1996, in Curral central building was constructed as a large open- Beaux-Arts, and stayed there since the 1980s.
Comprido, a small village located in the city of air barn in the 18th century and, a posteriori, It is as if he had built a vessel of himself and in
Isaías Coelho, in the interior of Piauí. He was one enclosed with a large iron dome. it was putting brushes, lines, words, algorithms,
of the young people favored by the Acaia Institute, The interior of the rotunda whose frescoes indigenous geometry, indignations and loves. He
a private, non-profit nGo that serves children and represent the history of trade between the five is a prospector and, with his luggage, is always
adolescents living near Ceagesp, where Santídio continents were painted at the time by Alexis- crossing borders. That gives samba.
also worked. Joseph Mazerolle, Évariste Vital Luminais, Désiré Thus, he has painted and embroidered linens,
“The woodcut met the first interests François Laugée, George Clairin and Hippolyte worked and reworked ancient iconographic
of the artist, who developed his own work Lucas and restored in 1998. images bringing up traces of artistic movements,
procedures, such as what he calls ‘incision, Now, after three years of renovations and from modernism to avant-garde. Villani had the
clipping and fitting’, that is, the composition restorations by Japanese architect Tadao opportunity to follow closely one of the richest
by combining several cut-out matrices, such Ando, the building reopens its doors and gains moments in the history of art of the 20th century,
as pieces of a puzzle. In addition to providing a contemporary language without tarnish a single both European and Brazilian avant-garde.
a set of colors through the accumulation and space of its original structure. Today, the lobby has His sculptures, playful and irreverent, bring
juxtaposition of ink, this technique allows seven galleries over three floors, a large lounge traces of the readymade, but also of the concrete
to subvert the function of multiplicity, and a rooftop restaurant. poets, of the works of Harold and Augusto de
so characteristic of engraving. Two of The exhibition Overture marks, in addition to Campos, who built them laying words thin a
Santídio’s most representative woodcuts the transformation of the building, the search of nonlinear way, in order to find a shape in the
series: Birds (2018) and Bromélias (2019). the collector Pinault to enhance and defend values support of the page. In this case, Villani builds
The affective memory led the artist to invest about freedom, linked to diversity, to emerging them in a collage that uses the material of his
in an iconographic research on the birds of positions. As in an opera, the exhibition brings mining: a triangular kettle that inspires the body
the caatinga of Piauí. Later, from the artistic several “moments” and “atmospheres”, as well of a bird and whose body he completes with the
residency Kaaysá, held in Boiçucanga, the as different artistic practices such as sculptures, lightness of wire; a snake mounted from a tape
series of Bromélias emerged. Morros (2021) videos, installations, performances, photographs measure; a turtle created from a steel shovel; a
emerged with the feeling of freedom when and painting, lots of painting. pot, a portrait. Everything is experimental and the
the natural landscape of Santo Antônio do There are not only renowned European artists result is an original and poetic work.
Pinhal, Serra da Bocaina and Cantareira, all in such as Maurizio Cattelan, Marlene Dumas, Producing for exhibitions from the 1980s until
São Paulo, is seen”, informs the biography of Pierre Huyghe, Philippe Parreno, Rudolf Stingel today, Villani went through mac-usp, mam-sp,
the author on the website of Galeria Estação and Tatiana Trouvé, among others, but also Oscar Niemeyer Museum of Curitiba, Museo
- which represents him since the beginning representatives of the new scene of black artists del Barrio de New York, Habitat Center of New
of his career. Santídio has just participated such as American Kerry James Marshall and Delhi, Maison de l’Amérique Latine in Paris; and
in important exhibition in Shanghai. He Brazilians Antonio Obá and Paulo Nazareth. In the made several individuals in institutions such as
rescues reminiscences of colors, images and center of the rotunda is Urs Fisher’s 2011 installation, Sesc-sp and in the galleries that represent him,
sensations and his work is at the same time Untitled (Giambologna), which is an exact replica of Galerie 1900-2000 and Galerie rx, both from
almost minimalist, of high sensitive content. The abduction of the Sabine Women, a 1579-1582 Paris, and the Brazilian galleries Estação and