Page 89 - ARTE!Brasileiros #46
P. 89

Laudares (Brazil, Sé), Randolpho Lamonier (Brazil, Periscópio), Alejandra Pietro   focusing on an economic-financial loss, when we know that art and culture do
                 (Chile, Die Ecke), Sandra Vásquez de la Horra (Chile, Bendana-Pinel) and Fernando   not give profit anywhere. Document 14 had public record, with 1.230.000 visitors
                 Bryce (Peru, Espaivisor) . They are artists who, with very different ways of working,   against 904.000 from the previous edition.
                 raise the questions she asked herself: “Timeless questions that are updated every   But the essential point is that Germany has not bowed down to the unwise
                 time we see the exoticism demanded from outside for our territory”.  politicians talks and, honoring the democratic tradition of the Documenta, invited
                 Whether in the recovery of “a religious memory and the mystical force of Afro-  to join the selection team, eight internationally renowned experts, among them, the
                 Bahian culture” made by Heraclitus, in the reconstruction of history and in   director of Tate Modern, Frances Morris; the South African curator Gabi Ngcobo;
                 reflection on it “from the record of what is necessary to keep within history and   the director of Van Abbe Museum, Charles Esche, and the director of Pinacoteca
                 not forget” made by Pagatini or Centurión’s awareness of AIDS in a “personal   de São Paulo, Jochen Volz. These four names point to the representativeness of
                 chronicle of his way to death” Solo sector is bringing countries closer to the   the cultural diversity of the committee.
                 continent through common issues.                   “We chose ruangrupa thanks to the ability that the group has shown in call
                 In the Masters sector, former Repertório, the new curator, Tiago Mesquita, did not   several communitie -, including public that go beyond traditional audiences of
                 seek a thematic or historical axis. The art critic says that the curatorial experience   the artistic medium - , and promote local participation and commitment,” said
                 of an event like SP-Arte is still very new for him: “It’s very unusual in relation to   the team, in a press release.
                 other works that I’ve curated”.                    This statement emphasizes two axes that deserve to be watched carefully and
                 Tiago chose to bring to the Masters works produced between the 50s and 80s,   reflect some of the most important proposals of the current art system: to go
                 because they are works that “we can look at with a certain temporal distance”   beyond “traditional audiences” and the involvement with the context.
                 to understand them and also to understand the production of their respective   Ruangrupa himself, or Ruru, as it is known, made it clear in the text they released
                 authors. Carlos Fajardo (Marcelo Guarnieri), Ridyas (Central) and a project by   after being appointed: “If Documenta was launched in 1955 to heal war wounds,
                 Rubens Gerchman (Surface), among others.           why shouldn’t we focus Documenta 15 on today’s injuries, especially ones  rooted
                 The biggest surprise is perhaps in the Performance sector. Marcos Gallon, who   in colonialism, capitalism or patriarchal structures, and contrast them with
                 also organizes the VERBO art performance show, chose not to allocate a space   partnership-based models that enable people to have a different view of the world. “
                 only for the works that will be presented. The performances took place in spaces   In fact, “partnership-based models” is an essential expression to understanding
                 destined to them scattered among the exhibitors. Gallon’s idea is to encourage   contemporary art, since its beginnings in the years 1960, but that often follow
                 the galleries to also take their performance artists, so the genre is incorporated   being depreciated by archaic models that keeps the artist as author/criator of
                 as another possible medium of art, not marginalized in a closed corner. Also,   an commercial object.
                 according to Gallon, the vast majority of art galleries in the state of São Paulo   However, since Hélio Oiticica and Lygia Clark, in Brazil, or Joseph Beuys, in Germany,
                 represent artists who work with performance.       the idea of work was questioned, being replaced by other proposals aiming at
                 Gallon is also driven by the idea of encouraging collectors to buy performances,   the expansion of what would be the place of art: be in the creation of the Free
                 make them look at it as something that can be sold through the galleries: “So   International University, as defended Beuys, in a therapeutic environment, to
                 it’s brought to the trade show’s axis.” For this, SP-Arte will buy one of the works   Clark, or a space for meeting, for Oiticica.
                 presented and donate to the collection of the São Paulo Pinacoteca. The work   In a text from 2012 made to the 30th edition of the British magazine Afterall, the
                 will be chosen by the staff of the institution, led by Jochen Volz. The artists Cadu   critic David Teh points out how ruangrupa “has done a deep commitment with
                 (Vermelho), Cristiano Lenhardt (Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel), Jorge Soledar (Portas   Jakarta, both as a place and as subject, and to its population, both as public and
                 Vilaseca), Maria Noujaim (Jaqueline Martins Gallery) and Jaime Lauriano (Galeria   as author. From day one, the group has made of the city — the noisy trade and
                 Leme/AD) will be in the sector.                    administration machine not considered source of culture — a primary protagonist
                                                                    of an epic adventure of collective storytelling “.
                                                                    In this sense, the idea of artist-proposer, defended both by Oiticica and Clark, is
                 ANALYSIS ART AND TENDENCIES | PAGES 36 TO 38       clear. According to Teh, in that article, “the prodigious capacity of the collective
                 FAR BEYOND ART                                     reaches a diverse aesthetic, incorporating from the punk street culture to the
                                                                    street culture, passing through desk research and ethnographic context, reaching
                                                                    even procedural and conceptual experiments. To mix it up is a firm conviction
                 CHOICE OF  INDONESIAN COLLECTIVE RUANGRUPA FOR ARTISTIC   that the participants are agents in a social history alive “.
                 DIRECTION OF DOCUMENTA REINFORCES THE TREND OF PROPOSALS   This proposal of consider the public as an agent, after all, is everything that
                 THAT GOES BEYOND SPACES SUCH AS MUSEUMS AND GALLERIES  Beuys and Oiticica sought, in a program that advocated such a big expansion of
                                                                    the artistic field so that there would be no more boundary between art and life.
                 BY FABIO CYPRIANO                                  “The museum is the world”, advocated Oiticica. “Everyone is an artist”, preached
                                                                    Beuys. Not by chance, was in Documenta 6, in 1982, that the German artist used
                 THE SELECTION OF THE COLLECTIVE RUANGRUPA (that’s right,using lower-case letter   the exhibition as a space for the Free International University, and two years
                 initiating a proper noum and can be loosely translated from Indonesian as “a   later held a series of postcards with provocative texts, among them the phrase
                 space for art “ )  for artistic direction of the Documenta 15, wich will be held in   “With that  I get out of Art”, making clear the institutional breakdown manifest
                 2022 in the city of Kassel, is a coherent decision and in tune with the current   at the time of the so-called “return to painting”. A few months later, he would die.
                 state of contemporary art .                        For the past 50 years, many similar proposals were presented, as a French Nicolas
                 On the one hand the choice is amazing, seeing that the institution has suffered   Bourriaud, who came to draw a somewhat Eurocentric theory, the “relational
                 attacks by local rulers, when the previous edition had a US$ 8.4 million deficit,   aesthetics”, realizing a production that also use partnerships.
                 largely caused by sharing the shows with the city of Athens, reaching a total   However, between recent and more radical proposals is the work of Cuban
                 budget US$ 50 million.                             Tania Bruguera, at Tate Modern, during her installation at the Turbine Hall,
                 Those were of political content attacks, typical of the current war strategy against   between October 2018 to February of this year. Along with the occupation of the
                 the culture, also popular in Brazil, who ignored the essential points of the exhibition,   monumental space, she was also responsible for the program Tate Exchange,

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