Page 87 - ARTE!Brasileiros #46
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are no limits between fiction and reality. To get in and get out of the show is a BIENNIAL HAVANA | PAGE 26
practice that they handle very well, and the boundary between one thing and
between these narratives and, for us, blurring these boundaries is important HAVANA BIENNIAL
another is very fluid”, tells Barbara. “ I think cinema allows the management
even to suspend judgment about what you see “. To make the camera shake CAPTURES TENSIONS
about the work of the duo. “We don’t have any shame in pushing to the latest VOLTAGES OF THE WORLD
in the time of “earthquake”, it would be like “shake” any kind of easy reading
consequences this idea that a film can speak of reality, but at the same time
being completely fanciful. We want to create cracks “. FROM FAKE NEWS TO MIGRATIONS, FROM ECOLOGY TO RACISM, FROM CITY
RISE (2018), the short that won the Audi Short Film Award at Berlinale this year, TO GENDER ISSUES, CUBA’S LARGEST ART EVENT STARTS ON APRIL 12
follows on this idea. Shot in a newly opened subway station on the outskirts of
Toronto, the work was conducted with members of the Group Reaching Intelligent BY LEONOR AMARANTE
Souls Everywhere, which gathers young rappers, poets and singers of African WITH THE THEME “The Construction of Possible” and a broad speech, in tune with the
descent in the city. The short, which was commissioned by the AGYU (Art Gallery socio-political-environmental concerns of the moment, the 13th Havana Biennial
of York University) calls the attention, maybe even more accentuated than other opens its doors on April 12 with an evolutionary version of its work over the years.
films, to the technical and aesthetic care that runs through the artists production- It includes thematic lines related to architecture, the city and its surroundings,
that always works with the director of photography Pedro Sotero (partner of Kleber ecology and themes of gender and migration. One of the novelties of this edition
Mendonça). Barbara commented: “I think if it wasn’t for that accuracy of cinema, is that it extends to other cities of the Island: Pinar del Río, Matanzas, Cienfuegos,
with high quality sound and picture, we would lose all our effort in promoting an Sancti Spíritus and Camagüey.
empathic relationship with the contents of the work” The Biennial, as a strategy, will investigate the perception of the present world,
Swinguerra, which is in post-production, is the work that will represent Brazil at poetic procedures and nature that involve memory, society, history, belonging, a
58th Venice Biennale, commissioned for this purpose from the choice of Gabriel living topography taking into account “the conditions of a world that has intensified
Pérez-Barreiro. The new film features three groups: those of swingueira, that get nuclear threats and warmongers, phobia, racism, forced displacements, fascist
together in courts of city’s public schools and prepare choreographies to socialize tendencies, the systematic use of lies and the environmental crisis that threatens
and compete with each other; the brega funk dancers, that derive from the the survival of the human species”. The group of curators, led by Cuban critics
swingueira, but work commercially in stages of nightclubs and concerts of MC’s; Nelson Herrera Ysla and Jorge Noceda Sánchez, hopes that art will mark new
and the so-called passinho do maloka, teens who create dances and choreography paths of collective reasoning. There are about 170 artists from 45 countries, some
for fun and to spread on Instagram: “From the Court, to the stage, to the instagram. of them with works that capture the silent tensions. Among the invited artists are
On film we crossed these expressions, their codes, bodies and gestures”. Sara Ramo, Lais Myrrha and Ruy Cézar Campos (Brazil). Tania Candiani (Mexico);
In a multidisciplinary practice, mixing cinema, visual arts, performance, music, Pedro Cabrita Reis (Portugal); Abdoulaye Konaté (Mali), Guy Wouet (Cameroon);
dance and anthropology, in which to do is shared and where matters of gender, René Francisco Rodríguez, José Manuel Fors, Juan Carlos Alom, Kadir López,
race, class and cultural industry arises, Barbara Wagner and Benjamin de Burca Dania González and Ruslan Torres (Cuba).
are aware of political responsibility of their work, especially in the current razilian
context. “This place where rather than ‘ give voice ‘ you attempt to hear or talk
together, is possibly a place of resistance. Because it shows how these groups FAIRS ART BASEL | PAGES 28 TO 31
that we find, these artists, create their own way out to resist in the world. And THE REGIONALIZATION
working with them is, therefore, to participate in the construction of these forms
of resistance “ OF ART BASEL
Curated by Ralph Rugoff – american, director of London’s Hayward Gallery and
curator of the Biennale of Lyon of 2015-, the Venice Biennale carries out its 58 WITH APPROXIMATELY 83,000 VISITORS in the five days that Art Basel Miami Beach was
edition between 11 May and 24 November 2019, under the broad theme “May You open for visitation last December, the show collected encouraging numbers in
Live in Interesting Times”. The event will bring together representations of 90 relation to sales from participating galleries. Good news also for Latin American
countries (with their own curatorship), plus a large overall exhibition and parallel art, which always stands out at the fair.
shows in the city. The organization of the fair announced that sales were strong at all levels of
Despite the apparent optimism, the title of the edition refers to an ancient the market. However, the strength of buyers from nearby countries is becoming
Chinese curse that wishes times of uncertainty and turmoil. In this way, second increasingly evident. The regionalization of the editions of the fair has been
Rugoff , this edition intends to include varied themes connected to the moment something noticed by many in recent years. Because it has editions on several
of global crisis, precariousness and distrust. Will not fail, however, to talk about continents, Art Basel has seen some of its patrons prefer to wait for the closest
possible alternatives, encounters, of pleasure and of “creative learning that art edition to cross the ocean to buy works of art. Still, visits by collectors and
makes possible.” representatives of institutions such as the Center Pompidou in Paris and the
Brazil, which has no artist present in the overall exhibition, shows in its national Serpentine Galleries in London do not disappoint.
pavilion the work of Barbara Wagner and Benjamin de Burca under Gabriel Pérez- In the event of 2018, something caught the attention of the galleries that
Barreiro curatorship. participated: the will of the buyers in wanting to insert in their collections works
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