Page 97 - artebrasileiros-64
P. 97

started photographing the territory in 2010.   outskirts, professor Gey Espinheira told    SHOW THE INVISIBLE
         Vilma and I, faced with the death of five   me He asked me to study the beauty    Jose Eduardo – We are looked af er
          different artists from the territory, started   of  the  Railway  Suburb  of  Salvador   by a large number of people who help
          looking around the city in thrif  stores and   and then, together with Vilma and   us develop actions such as workshops,
          markets for the works of these artists so that   photographer Marco Illuminati, we   chats on the roof, guided tours and
          people from the Suburb knew them”, he says.  started photographing the territory in   af er the website came invitations for
           Of the five exhibitions mentioned, four   2010. Vilma and I, faced with the death   exhibitions at mam Rio, mam-ba, Sesc
          are collective, which present the Acervo da   of five different artists from the territory,   Pompeia, and now at Solar Ferrão with
          Laje among other collections and territories,   started looking for the city. The works   Future Brazil: the forms of democracy,
          pointing to its character as an off-axis place   of these artists were displayed in thrif    at mar Rio and at sesc Belenzinho.
          that positions itself as a space that gives   stores and markets so that people in   Perhaps the idea of   the Collection is
          visibility to a series of artists/craf smen – the   the area could see them. As we lived   to show the invisible and break the
          category here is not what matters most –  in a house on the slab, the Acervo da   hegemonic canons of Brazilian arts,
           that are not known. The mar exhibition   Laje emerged in 2010, and we then had   and that is why we always dialogue with
          is a kind of step forward, as, by dedicating   to move to a rented house until we built   many curators such as Keyna Eleison,
          itself to one of the artists in the Collection,   our house, in 2015, which is also part of   Pablo de La Fuente, Marcelo Campos,
          César Bahia, with more than 200 works   the Acervo da Laje.           Clarissa Diniz, Igor Simões, Lisette
          produced between 2010 and 2023, it begins                             Lagnado, André Pitol, Yudi Rafael, João
          to give visibility and insert its name in an   BUY AND SELL           Angelino, Ayrson Heráclito, Marina
          institutional way .                  Jose Eduardo – The works were and are   Fokidis, Ruth Noack, Luiza Proença, the
           Through the six places where the Acervo   purchased, found in discards or received   curators of the 31st São Paulo Biennial,
          da Laje is exhibited, as one of the exhibitions   as donations by artists, residents and   at which we were invited to speak.
          is divided into two spaces, it is possible   friends. At the beginning, I was doing a   We participated in the third Bienal
          to  see  how  the  circuit  perceives  the   post-doctorate at pnpd, and this helped   da Bahia and before that we held many
          relevance and originality of this initiative.   us a lot with research, identifying artists   exhibitions here on the slabs on the
          It is presented on its website as “a space for   and then we started doing two projects   outskirts of Salvador with the #Ocupa
          artistic, cultural and research memory about   to make these artists and their works   Lajes project in two editions (2016 and
          the Railway Suburb of Salvador”. Around   visible. It’s been 13 years of work, and we   2018), moving the entire city. In other
         10% of the population of the capital of Bahia   didn’t know what we had in both houses.   words, since its inception, the Acervo da
          lives in this region.               During the pandemic we obtained a   Laje has always sought to avoid leveling
           Among the curators who worked at the   notice to catalog the initial works on   what it means to be a space of art and
          Collection are at least two who took care of   the website, as well as the creation of   memory on the outskirts, we have
          Documenta in Kassel, such as Ruth Noak   the newspaper library, all of this with   always dialogue with all the people who
          and Marina Fokidis, and three involved in   the participation of many people from   visit us, from children, young people and
          past editions of the São Paulo Biennale,   the territory, particularly young people   adults and people from around the world
          such as Lisette Lagnado, Pablo Lafuente   and residents who participated in the   whole, because Brazilian arts need to
          and Paulo Miyada.                   actions with professionals from the   know the productions of artists from
           Currently, 611 works by 30 artists are   areas of museology, archive, design   the peripheries, and they must have
          accessible on the website, in addition to   and others.               their names in history, and no longer
          other general categories such as Tiles,    Every month we took part of our   be considered creators of a lesser art.
          Home Collection, Toys or The Beauty of   meager  earnings  to  buy  works  to
          Suburbs, among others. This last session,   generate  and  disseminate  artistic   ALWAYS FIGHTING
          for  example,  brings  together  digital   creation in the territory. Vilma taught    Jose Eduardo – In the same way that
          photographs  that  participated  in  the   “teaching”  [school  reinforcement   the memory of the peripheries needs to
          exhibition The Beauty of Suburbs carried   classes] here at Acervo, and I was a   be told by us, the same needs to happen
          out with students from São João do Cabrito   university professor, but during the   with the democratization of curators,
          and Itacaranha who participated in an   pandemic I fell ill and resigned from   always in dialogue. And when a person
          exhibition in December 2013, in the São   the university, as I received R$250 as a   is interested in an artist, we recommend
         João do Cabrito neighborhood.        salary. Then we stopped buying works   them so that we don’t become the new
           José Eduardo, who was at the opening of   more regularly. But, before that, the   colonizers, lol. And that. The Acervo da
          Dos Brasis, last August, sent a statement   collections were already formed in   Laje was born from a couple, it multiplies
          by email about the project, based on a very   both houses and constituted part of   in the community of the Subúrbio
          broad question, which concerned how   the Acervo da Laje.             Ferroviário de Salvador, it is linked to
          the Collection was created and whether   We do not sell the works, as they   the new generations who are starting
          works that belong to it are sold. To help with   are part of the Acervo da Laje, which   to work with culture and art, and in the
          reading, we made some thematic divisions   is the only museum-house-school in   exhibitions we hold outside of here we
          in the answer:                      the Railway Suburb of Salvador, and   try to get as many people as possible to
                                              there are also many materials and works   come with us and have another horizon,
         THE BEGINNING OF THE COLLECTION      that we find discarded such as plaques,   no longer the one that was relegated to
            Jose  Eduardo  –  We  started  the   bricks from old potteries, sculptures and   us, to invisibility and exclusion. Anyway,
            Collection in 2010 from research on   all of this is also part of the Collection.   we work without money, but with a lot
            the invisible art of beauty workers in   When we manage to approve a project,   of curation and dialogue, and when
            the outskirts of Salvador, because,   we also reserve a small resource to   things get tough we campaign, ask for
            when I finished my doctorate in Public   purchase the works, as we consider   support, but no formal support has
            Health, studying the repercussions of   this to be important for the territory   been granted to us to date. Everything
            homicide among young people in the   and its artists.               is always – and always will be – with a
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