Page 91 - ARTE!Brasileiros #52
P. 91

direction enters, the old one is demonized. It is   everyday life. After all, we remain the artistic   because what is called the exotic is formative
           not in this sense that we want to work. So it will   directors, there are managers, they have   of our structure”, concludes the director.
           be from July of next year that we will have greater   appointments that are important to be given
           force,” says Eleison. Fernando Cocchiarale   and held accountable for, and there are salaries   institUtions |  JosÉ rUfino [pages 42 to 45]
           and Fernanda Lopes leave the curatorship in   too,” defines Eleison.  INSTITUTO RUFINO,
           October and a new vacancy opens and will be   “We have to negotiate our proposals with
           filled by competition.           different teams, we are responsible for a large  A PLACE OF THINKING
             But, if from the programming point of view   group, and they have other managements that  ABOUT ART, SCIENCE
           the proposal of the pair will only be more   are not ours. So, we have a proposal that has to   AND NATURE
           visible in 2021, there is a distinct management   be negotiated by whoever is here”, says Lafuente.
           component, as Lafuente says, which will now   With this, they hope to socialize, with internal   Located in the municipality of Bayeux, in
           be exercised: “mam had no artistic direction.   and external audiences, decisions, both   the great João Pessoa, the space is one
           It was curated, curated by the cinematheque.   artistic and management. And by providing   of the well-finished examples of what man
                                                                             can do for the environment
           We have the responsibility to create an artistic   visibility, these processes can be monitored
           project identity for this diversity of actions.”  and evaluated. “We want to force the structure   By leonor amarante
             Thus, in addition to the program itself, there   to see how far it can go, repeating for repeating
           is a new attitude to be revised in the museum   does not make sense”, says Lafuente. In the   nature seDuCes, transforms, marvels,
           created from shared management. “The pair is   project presented there is a detailed schedule   for the exuberance and responsibility on the
           important to us because it necessarily creates   of how the decision-making process will take   planet.  There are artists who incorporate the
           diversity. There is no way for two people to   place in the museum, which includes weekly   environment in their research driven by the
           have an identical look. People coincide in many   and biweekly team meetings.  trend of the moment and others who already
           perspectives, but they also differ in appraisals   Among the actions that should mark the   bring it naturally within themselves. José Rufino
           and stories. Diversity is constitutive and so is   management is the use of the iconic building   experimented with rural knowledge as a farm
           negotiation”, follows Lafuente.  designed by Affonso Eduardo Reidy (1909-  boy, graduated in geology and paleontology,
             In the winning project presented to the   1964). “Recovering the view of the building is   worked with Marlene Almeida, his mother, in
           selection committee for the artistic director of   essential, since it is a museum that is thought   a research on the pigments of the land and
           the museum, with 38 pages, the work in pairs is   to be structurally open. Reidy has a beautiful   now finds a special place to reverberate his
           placed in a historical context: “Double directors   text about the light that comes through the   experiences, the José Rufino Institute. This
           are not new in artistic contexts or in non-artistic   windows, how it creates a sensory experience   opens a new understanding of nature and
           settings. One of the operating principles of the   that enriches any experience of works of art.   artistic practice in your life. In a bureaucratic
           German Green Party is the Doppelspitze, which   This in the history of art is controversial, as it   process, the space is still called Sítio Sabiá, the
           stipulates that all boards must consist of two   escapes the white cube. And over the years,   name of the old place, and extends over the 50
           people, one female and one male”.  walls have been placed in front of the windows   thousand square meter land, which will soon
             Proposing  new ways of managing  art   so that the light, the sun, the trees, and the   be 70. Located in the municipality of Bayeux, in
           institutions is essential in the Brazilian context,   giant rocks of Guanabara Bay do not enter. We   the great João Pessoa (Paraíba), it is a  place
           marked in general by a huge centralization and   want to recover this physically and symbolically,   to think about art, nature, culture and develop
           personalization, already from its presidencies,   so that the external influences the internal”,   research taking into account the environment.
           as it happened in the São Paulo mam during the   says Lafuente.     What makes this space provocative? José
           management of Milú Villela, who remained in   Another  axis  that the  duo  intends  to   Rufino mixes his scientific knowledge in
           power for nothing less than 24 years, from 1995   implement is to open the institution to what is   situations full of ambiguities, discoveries and
           to 2019, with absolute powers.   not there - objects, knowledge, people - to be   many experiments with wild and domesticated
                                            able to enter, as Eleison says: “It is a very strong   vegetation. “The Institute has about 160 species
           new orDer                        institutional questioning management. One   of the Araceae family, anthuriums, imbés and
           “We want to understand  mam as a single   of the big questions is not only to look at the   philodendrons, plus 250 of the Arecaceae family,
           structure, which is our biggest game within   absence of bodies, intelligences, and objects   of palm trees, in addition to a collection of native
           the institution,” says Eleison, who is completed   within the collections, but when they enter, how   species, among which I highlight the tucum
           by Lafuente: “We are creating more extensive   they do it. As a black woman I am interested in a   (bactris ferruginea), whose spines  are used
           decision-making bodies; not only is the person in   type of research on people who were not placed   as an indigenous body element. “I consider
           education and participation management going   here, why they were not placed here and what   my collection of plants to be a living archive of
           to decide in isolation what the public program   they were doing”.  lived experiences. Each represents a sensory,
           will be, but he will activate other areas inside   With this, mam Rio can exercise a more   ethnographic collection, a living sculpture,”
           and even outside the museum. ”   authentic relationship with the production that   he says. All the paths that cut through the
             So, in order to think about how a museum   is now occupying other institutions, such as the   landscape are irregular, subject to the interest
           should act now, does the new management   female, black, indigenous or queer - but in a   and development of the plants themselves.
           seek to exercise this in the administration of   somewhat statistical way, as to fulfill an agenda,   an emancipated spatial reflection that also
           the institution itself, creating more horizontal   without, however, create effective links. “We do   contemplates animals from the families of

           relationships? “We are trying to work  on   not want to work with the idea of  an invitation,   anteaters, three-toed sloths, capybaras, foxes,
           de-verticalizing the museum. I think it is better   because when there is an invitation, it is clear   raccoons, marmosets, among many others. This
           to de-verticalize than to horizontalize, because   that the guest is not from that place. And we   expansion of the experience reaches the large
           the term horizontal itself does not proceed in   really want to question the idea of   the exotic,   studio that can be occupied by both Rufino and

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