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project, Meridians articulates a very organic exchange of ideas and positions, unveiling   national policy, such a conservative moment - not to use a harsher word - I tend not to
             conceptual overlaps, themes and interests that have emerged from this year’s strong   want to debate where the mistake lies over there, but to think about what has allowed
             selection of projects”, Arriola said during the project announcement.  us to reach this moment.  We stopped doing something so that society would see us
             In the exhibitors sectors, the Brazilian galleries appear as usual. The galleries Jaqueline   in a not so meritorious way”, said Saron.
             Martins and Luciana Brito announced that they will make a joint participation in the   According to him, while society questions the need for public investment in culture and
             fair, with works by the artists Robert Barry, Lydia Okumura, Augusto de Campos and   the government tries to criminalize artists, “the world of culture rarely crosses the street
             Geraldo de Barros. It is the first time in the history of the fair that two galleries are   to empathize with the other field.” From this diagnosis, Saron proposed an analysis of
             sharing a booth in the main event space, provoking dialogues between artists who   what has happened in Brazil over the past 20 years, a period largely characterized by
             they represent: “The joint project seeks to create a space where both intersections   economic growth centered on the commodity boom and the strengthening of state-
             and differences between their productions can be perceived by visitors”, says the   owned companies as sponsors of culture.
             galleries’ report.                                   “And a policy that focused on the democratization of access predominated. That was
             Anita Schwartz Art Gallery, from Rio de Janeiro, will make a solo stand with works by   the key idea when Lula takes over, for example”.  From this point of view, “turning
             the artist Paulo Vivacqua. Babbling Forms and Corale work as musical poems, says   the turnstile” has become a major indicator of cultural relevance, with many projects
             the gallery owner. “They deal with the same starting point: the speakers, which set   based on what Saron called spectacularization. It was also the period of construction
             a counterpart to each other”, she explains. “While Corale emphasizes form, with a   of many new cultural buildings, to the detriment of carelessness with historic buildings
             composition of sculptures made from color speakers in nuances of color, Babbling   and existing spaces.
             Forms is deeply involved with the function of language, where ‘pre-verbal’ sounds   The democratization discourse eventually legitimized culture as an “instrument and
             talk”. Their interaction focuses on artistic inquiry into how the preconceived ideas   mechanism”, not as an end in itself. “And we didn’t know how to make the leap about
             of sculpture disappear and shift in unexpected directions. The artist considers the   the true role of the arts in transforming society.” For Saron, culture itself must be
             transmission of sound and silence as a musical state that acquires concreteness and   located as a field of transformation, and for that democratization is not enough. Enter
             presence in space - music as sculpture.              the word “participation”, which by proposing “a field where we bring the individual
             In turn, Casa Triângulo will present some of its artists to the fair, but the gallerists   to act, we stop putting ourselves as an instrument and broaden our understanding of
             bet on a pair of artists, Ascânio MMM and Mariana Palma. According to the gallery’s   the role of culture in the construction of humanistic thinking, from the perspective
             director, Camila Siqueira, Ascânio sculptures produced between the 60’s and 70’s will   of democracy. cultural”.
             be shown. “To reinforce the historical importance of his production during this period”,   “Then the referential becomes the enjoyment - the pleasure of the other in contact with
             she says. In 2020, Mariana Palma will have an individual at the Tomie Ohtake Institute.   art -, the fomentation - a policy for the arts in the country - and the formation - which
             Thus, the gallery also focuses on her paintings that exploits an exuberance of colors.  is the core of our role as transformers of a society. Thus, art and culture can address
                                                                  many of society’s problems, such as education and public safety, with greater power
             AROUND                                               and speed than other public policies, including lower costs, he concluded.
                                                                  After Saron’s speech, Fabio Szwarcwald told a little about his work at the Parque Lage
             Kogan Amaro Gallery debuts at SCOPE, one of the main fairs of the contemporary   School of Visual Arts in Rio de Janeiro, where he has been since 2017. The economist and
             circuit, which reaches its 19th edition in 2019. Gallery director Marlise Corsato researched   collector, who worked in banks for 22 years, took over the EAV board after a few years on
             other fairs in Miami during her visits to Art Basel. As an international fair that has   its board, and in a period of deep crisis in the institution with the withdrawal of financial
             been in the market for a long time, already established, but with a younger, lighter   transfers from the state.
             and more casual feel, Marlise bet on SCOPE for the gallery’s debut in a fair outside   “EAV was founded during the Military Dictatorship, so it already has this DNA of a place
             Brazil: “I felt it would be interesting for us to start at an international fair in this style”.  of resistance, of struggle. It was created by Rubens Gerchman as a counterpoint to the
             Daniel Mullen, Mundano, Nunca and Samuel de Saboia are the four artists who will   existing academic schools. So we are a free school from the beginning and we understand
             be at the booth of Kogan Amaro, the only Brazilian to participate in SCOPE. Mundano   that to be free the school must be able to afford itself, pay its own bills”, he said. “So all
             and Nunca will create some outdoor work in Miami, as both work with street art. The   my work was to rescue this autonomy, this freedom of action so important these days.”
             actions were thought to happen due to the participation in the fair, incorporating the   According to the economist, EAV focused on a rapprochement with the public, in
             artists to the city.                                 addition to reinforcing the role of the association of friends responsible for the school’s
                                                                  financial administration. “And the idea was to open the school as much as possible
                                                                  because, as Saron said, many times we who work with art speak only to ourselves.
             SEMINAR CULTURAL MANAGEMENT | PAGE 32 TO 37          And we had to open to the periphery. I mean, open to society because it will give us
                                                                  the strength of resistance, maintenance and even financial support”.
             CULTURAL MANAGEMENT                                  Through sponsorships; charity nights; the insertion of EAV in the ArtRio and SP-Arte
                                                                  fairs, with works provided by several artists; of an unprecedented partnership with
             IN TIMES OF ECONOMIC                                 Candido Mendes University, bringing the paid curator course; and the creation of two
                                                                  stores, EAV was able to rebuild itself. This year, the institution also approved an annual
             AND POLITICAL CRISIS                                 plan of R $ 8 million in the Culture Incentive Law. “This was all very important to redeem
                                                                  the free training program that is fundamental to our students’ development. And we
                                                                  increasingly want to bring these students who would not be able to afford a course”.
             SEMINAR HELD BY ARTE!Brasileiros AND ITAÚ CULTURAL BROUGHT TOGETHER   By accepting the Queermuseu exhibition - which ended after a defamatory campaign at
             MANAGERS, ARTISTS AND EXPERTS TO DISCUSS THE CHALLENGES AND WAYS   Santander Cultural in Porto Alegre and censored by Marcelo Crivella in MAR - Parque
             FOR CULTURAL MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEMPORARY CONTEXT; LEARN WHAT   Lage organized a crowdfunding campaign that raised over R $ 1 million to set up the
                                                                  show. “This also revealed the society’s revolt to see, in 2017, an exhibition with 250
             EDUARDO SARON, FABIO SZWARCWALD, JOCHEN VOLZ, GABRIELA NOUJAIM,   artists being censored in Brazil,” said Szwarcwald.
             JONATHAS DE ANDRADE, ANA CARLA FONSECA AND KATIA DE MARCO  The director also spoke about the training program for public school teachers, about
                                                                  Parquinho Lage, with classes for children, and the extramural partnerships, with
             BY MARCOS GRINSPUM FERRAZ                            classes in peripheral areas of Rio. “We started 2017 with 600 students and this year
                                                                  we have more than 6,000, 90% of which is free of charge”, he summarized of the EAV
             HELD ON OCTOBER 21, in São Paulo, the seminar Cultural Management: Contemporary   figures. “People were very homesick for the school in the 1980s, because of her role
             Challenges discussed essential management issues in the present times, in a context   in the past, and now we have been seen, frequented, as a result of working to face the
             of political and economic crises in the country. Divided into two tables, the event was   challenges, know the difficulties and set new goals,” he concluded. .
             presented and hosted by the editorial director of ARTE!Brasileiros, Patricia Rousseaux,   Finally, the curator and director of the Pinacoteca de São Paulo, Jochen Volz, began
             who highlighted in her opening speech some of the themes that guided the debate.  his presentation by quoting a curious fact for the present times, which shows that in
             “Theoretical, legal, economic and political issues have always been part of academic   the first six months of 2019, 30 Brazilian museums had a 30% increase in audience.
             programs and debates. However, the precariousness of state investments, the   “This is extremely interesting because it goes against what we might expect at this
             acceleration of sociocultural changes, the discussion of environmental and migratory   time of crisis. So for me, in a museum like Pinacoteca, we have to try to understand
             issues, the rise of the debate on our colonial history, gender issues and movements   what kind of situation we are living in and how to react to it”.
             of censorship towards freedom of expression have made culture an almost primordial   According to him, in times of radicalization, in which everything is polar and dual, one
             stage of demonstrations,” said Rousseaux. “This situation presents real challenges for   can also perceive “something that is the opposite of this, something that William Wisnik
             managers and different agents of culture and contemporary art. It requires extraordinary   described very beautifully in the book Inside the Fog. Which is that big fog where we
             flexibility, a broad, democratic and ethical vision capable of understanding the demands   realize that everything we knew might not be enough anymore”, said Volz. “And we are
             of debate in public and private institutions”, he added.  at the moment when the narratives we thought were linear are not enough, because
             The first table, which was also attended by Fabio Szwarcwald, CEO of EAV Parque   there are many stories, not just one.”
             Lage, and Jochen Volz, director of Pinacoteca de São Paulo, began with the speech   For the curator, the current challenge goes beyond finance and management issues,
             of Eduardo Saron, director of Itaú Cultural. “At such a destabilized moment of our   and focuses especially on the relationship with the public. “It is the public who will

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