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             Paulo Biennale, two years ago, the show brought together artists, such as Marcelle,   When the Minister of the Interior of Italy, Matteo Salvini, prohibited the landing of 629
             that seek to reveal often opaque layers in society.  immigrants of the ship Aquarius, last June, the Mayor of Palermo, Leoluca Orlando
             For the first time in Berlin – and it never happened in the Bienal de São Paulo,   tried to reverse the order: “We are convinced that immigrants are not a problem.
             it is good to remember, the whole team of Ngcobo is composed of blacks, most   This situation is an opportunity to defend the rights of all human beings to move
             women: Yvette Mutumba, Nomaduma Rosa Masilela, Moses Serubiri and Brazilian   and live in the place that suits them, “said Orlando at that moment. As the Italian
             Thiago de Paula Souza.                              ports are of the State power, immigrants had to land in Spain, almost a week later.
             Berlin is a biennial that is often marked by boldness, as in 2012, in it’s 7th. edition,   The defense of the free transit, however, echoed in the following days, when the
             when the main room of the KW was ceded to movements of occupation that spread   Mayor attended the opening events of the 12th edition of Manifesta, the itinerant
             throughout the world after the Occupy Wall Street. In their latest editions, however,   biennial of Europe, which follows in Palermo until November 4. Rare politician,
             it suffer forceful critics by shows somewhat hermetic and confusing.  he stole the attention of journalists who accompanied the days of opening, with
             The biennial of Ngcobo is a relief in this sense. She has a clear expographic, with   speeches that contrast with the conservative and reactionary scenario in the
             ample spaces for each work, occupies few places in the city -only five - and brings   world today.
             together a number of artists in a greatly reduced number if one thinking about shows   Born in Palermo, where he graduated in Law, Orlando, 71, studied in Heidelberg,
             like that, 46 in total. With 30 works commissioned by the curatorial team, the result   Germany, with teachers like the philosophers Martin Heidegger and Hans Georg
             is strong and eloquent work, reviewing one of the pillars of these major exhibitions,   Gadamer. Elected mayor in Palermo, in 1985, was one of the leaders who managed
             when is the amount that generates quality. On this Berlin Biennale, less is more.  to reduce the power of the mafia, historically in the control of Sicily.
             “Again/Noch einmal” (Again), by Mario Pfeiffer, is one of those unforgettable works   It has since been re-elected four times, and the current mandate was won with
             that speak about present time in a poetic and bright way. In 2016, the conservative   74% of the votes.
             region of Saxony, four Germans tied an Iraqi refugee with a history of epilepsy in   Since the years 1990, 4000 mafiosi were arrested and the Orlando speech in favour
             a tree outside a supermarket, because they felt he was threatening the cashier.   of immigration, consolidated in Palermo, from 2015, it’s not just theoretical: in the
             The case created controversy in Germany because the four were processed, but   last two years, 400,000 immigrants entered in Sicily, impressive amount for a
             popularly came to be hailed as heroes acting to “civil courage”. On the eve of trial,   population of 5 million people.
             the refugee was found dead and the case just cancelled.  PLANETARY GARDEN
             The biennial, however, does not have a constant political tone, as these two   This context could not be more favourable to an exposition like Manifesta: “We want
             works can lead us to assume. There’s a fairly delicate blend between poetic   to be a radically local and relevant Biennale, so it’s a show about Palermo and the
             strategies less militant, as the Chilean paintings from Johanna Unzueta, dispersed   essential issues here, an island between three continents, that fight against crime,
             in various locations of the exhibition at KW and at the Art Academy (Akademie der   racism and global warming, “said Hedwig Fijen, director and creator of Manifesta.
             Kunst), based on indigenous practices and exposed in easels inspired on Lina Bo   Since 1996, the Manifesta has been through 12 European cities, starting with
             Bardi’projects. Or else at the plants entered in the cracks of the floor of the exhibition   Rotterdam in the Netherlands, where the Biennale was conceived through Saint
             space of the same Academy by Sara Haq, sign both of delicacy as force of nature.  Petersburg (2014) and Zurich (2016), more recent editions.
             The Cuban Belkis Ayón’s paintings (1967-1999) are another highlight of the Biennale   In Palermo, the conception of the show began with a project conducted by the
             to exhibit the work of the artist that address the rituals of a secret society exclusively   Dutch architecture firm OMA, who created the “Palermo Atlas”, a compilation on
             male named Abakuá.                                  information about architecture, culture and history of the city.
             The Biennial, moreover, is very fond of presenting works that dialogue with other   The show itself was organized by a team of four cultural mediators - two of them the
             fields of knowledge, such as the ILLUSIONS series, begun in 2016, by Grada Kilomba,   Spaniard Andrès Jaque and Italian Ippolito Pestelleni Laparelli architects, Laparelli
             which reviews Greek myths in order to observe the symbolism and allegories   also works in the OMA  - the artist Bregtje van der Haak Dutch, who participated
             loaded with oppression in them. In Berlin, she reopens Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles,   in the 27th biennial of São Paulo, in 2006, and the Swiss curator Mirjam Varadinis.
             on two screens: in one Kilomba narrates the story in didactic form, in another, the   “We work closely, both in selection as in the choice of locations. The goal was to
             performance of several actors unfolds in a very choreographic way.  get spaces that do not usually present art - since there are great art museums
                                                                 here - to create a new route by the city ,” said Haak to ARTE!Brasileiros . To this end,
             Revise authoritarian practices, in fact, becomes a constant throughout the Biennial,   the show is divided into 20 venues, from small chapels, passing by huge palaces,
             but what makes it particularly special is to propose new narratives that work as a   arriving at the city’s Botanical Garden.
             possible counterpoint. A detail that stands out in this sense is that all the artists   Is from there, in fact, that  comes the name of this Manifesta: “The Planetary
             present at the Biennial are never identified by their age, gender, and origin, nor
             whether they are alive or dead. What can give impression of lack of information, in   Garden”. The term is borrowed from French botanist Gilles Clément, who, in 1991,
             the end is the practice of equality carried to the extreme. What matters are works.   used the term planetary garden, to point out how nature and human culture are
             The expography also follows this pattern by giving large spaces so that each work   partners in maintaining Earth. From this concept, the show develops through three
             is elevated to its maximum power. If a Biennial that talks about the collapse of the   sections: Garden of Flows, Uncontroled Room and City on Stage.
             present time is already relevant, pointing out ways that depart from this crisis
             makes it vital. “We don’t need another hero “could not have, in both the title and   ON THE STREET
             the content of the exhibition, a clearer message.w  The part of the show at the Botanical Garden, however, is the less thrill in Manifesta,
                                                                 it’s hard to compete with plants that grow on the site since 1789, one of the world’s
             BIENNIALS MANIFESTA 12 | PAGES 24 TO 28             references for the study of exotic species. Originally, the site was created for the
             PALERMO, PALERMO                                    cultivation and research of medicinal plants by Academy of Palermo Studies.
                                                                 Currently, it has more than 12000 species.
                                                                 From the eight artists participating in this section, the Colombian Alberto
             THE EUROPEAN BIENNIAL WITH A NOMADIC CHARACTER BRINGS TOGETHER   Baraya is the one that best explores the relationship with space, using a very
             WORKS BY 50 ARTISTS IN THE CAPITAL OF SICILY WITH URGENT ISSUES LIKE   known series, in which he gathers fake plants and presented them as if they
             REFUGEES, RACISM AND GLOBAL WARMING                 were object of scientific study. The  work has been presented at the Bienal
                                                                 de São Paulo in 2006. “Actually it is a work that I could not avoid to present
             BY FABIO CYPRIANO, IN PALERMO                       here, after all it’s totally appropriate to the Botanical Garden” said, near a

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